Bicycle Meet Ribbons

These ribbons belonged to Leon Walbridge Hammond. Mr. Hammond was a member of the Batavia Wheelmen,  circa 1891in Batavia, New York. It was very common during that time period that if you attended a L.A.W. (League Of American Wheelmen) annual meet or any other large meet or race, you would bring ribbons representing your own club and exchange them with other clubs attending the same event. The article below describes the formation of the Batavia Wheelmen and his elected position to Secretary.

According to a May 5, 1891 article in the Batavia Daily News, Batavia, New York, "A meeting of bicycle riders was held last evening and a club organized.  The following are the officer's elected:  President, O.C. Steele; Vice President, Fred Foster; Secretary, L. W. Hammond; Treasurer, Burt Jones; Trustees, Edward Ackes, George Bigelow, Burt Spafford; Captain, Fred Foster; First Lieutenant, Charles A. Weaver; Second Lieutenant, Edward Aches; Bugler, Charles Lorish; Color Bearer, Charles Thomas.  A committee was appointed to engage suitable rooms for the club, which are expected to be furnished in good style.  It will be the headquarters of Batavia riders, and out of town riders will be welcome at any time.  The charter fee was fixed at 50 cents which will be held open until June 1st, after which it will be $1.00.  The club will be known as the 'Batavia Wheelmen'".




